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Your feet are made of 26 bones and more than 100 muscles, ligaments, and tendons. You may not know it, but the feet are the foundation of your whole body. Poor foot alignment can affect the way you hold yourself and even cause painful injuries. One of the most common causes of misalignment is a condition called flat feet. These are also known as fallen arches.


Are flat feet symptoms preventing you from walking and performing certain activities comfortably? The board-certified and fellowship-trained surgeons and specialists at Preston Surgery Center can assess your arches and help provide the full support you need. Learn about flat foot treatment and more when booking a private consultation in Frisco, TX.

Common causes of flat feet

You may have flat feet if your arches do not touch the floor when standing on a level surface. Some people are genetically predisposed to fallen arches because a close family member has them. They can also be developed later in life. For example, age and daily use can cause the primary support structure of the arch to weaken over time. If the tendon tears or becomes inflamed from overuse, the damage may also lead to flat feet.

Do your feet feel strained and sore when walking or standing? Some people do not realize that the source of their discomfort is flat feet. To review, some of the most common risk factors include:

  • Age
  • Weak arches
  • Bone or tendon damage
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Arthritis
  • Stress fractures
  • Previous foot injuries

Flat feet symptoms

Flat feet pain could be mild to severe based on your condition. However, even minor flat feet symptoms can influence your overall health. This is because flat feet fail to give your body the comprehensive support it needs. Patients in Frisco, TX may be diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, or overstretched and inflamed tendons.

When symptoms are left untreated, flat feet may also lead to what is known as overpronation. Overpronation means that your ankles roll inward while walking, leading to misalignment and foot and ankle discomfort. In severe cases of flat feet, you may notice problems with spinal alignment and discomfort in the lower back.

Flat foot treatment

If you have flat feet pain that disrupts your life, it is a good idea to visit a knowledgeable specialist. Preston Surgery Center can discuss your health history and conduct an exam to determine if flat feet are the source of your issues. We may also order x-rays and other imaging tests to make sure there are no other abnormalities.

If you are diagnosed with flat feet, you may want to invest in supportive shoes or orthotic inserts. These can correct your foot position and posture, alleviating symptoms. Flat foot treatment may also include anti-inflammatory medications and steroid injections. When conservative options have failed to ease your discomfort, foot surgery could help.

Relieve flat feet pain

Some people do not realize they have flat feet. Symptoms may not even happen until later in life. If you experience pain, soreness, or other issues, meet with the trained surgeons and specialists at Preston Surgery Center. Our clinic can assess how fallen arches are affecting your health in Frisco, TX and create a custom treatment plan.





Preston Surgery Center is an QUAD A (formerly AAAASF) accredited facility that offers surgical procedures for pain, spine, orthopedics, podiatry, and electrophysiology.


7589 Preston Rd
Ste 100
FriscoTX 75034

Phone: 214-387-4100